Monday 31 January 2011


Well, after having so many problems with the last blog I decided to create a new one. Taking care that this time everything is in English. So, I hope everybody will be able to access without problems and participate actively. Have fun and enjoy us with your comments and pictures.
Nice Work


  1. Hey everybody,
    Good to see that everything is working out after all. Thanks for all the time you worked on this one and hopefully we will have lots of fun with it.

  2. Hello everybody!
    I'm Mari Fernández, the third teacher of English in Montornès. Although I'm not travelling to Breda I'm fully informed of all the process and helping elaborating some documents. Nice to meet you, Daisy. I'm sure we'll all have a good time talking to each other and sharing our concerns and ideas.

  3. Hello everyone,

    This blog is looking very good! Thanks a lot for putting so much effort in making such a blog. It will be easy to get to know eachother before we will meet eachother in March/April.

    Best regards, Moniek

  4. How nice that other teachers will be here too! I'm thinking that your whole school is working with our exchange and thats so nice.
    At this moment we are completing your program for the Netherlands. When it's finished we will send it to you.

  5. Hello exchange students!!
    Well, first of all, we want to go to Breda and meet us, and you to have wanted to come here.
    a student, Brian

  6. Hello! :)
    I feel very excited about the exchange and I've really wanted to meet you. I hope you like Spain and we had a great time together.
    See you March!

    A student, Claudia

  7. Hi Brian and Claudia,
    Nice to meet you too! I am one of the Dutch teachers. From my students I hear a lot of good things about the Spanish students. So I think that we definately will have a great time!

  8. Hello!
    My name is Alex. I can't wait to go to Breda and I hope to repeat this experience again :]

    A student, Alex

  9. Hi!
    my name is Jordi, I'm a teacher of Biology at the Montornès school. I'll do my best to help you when you come to our institute.
    I think it will be a very good experience for students of both schools.

    Best regards,


  10. Hi!
    My name is Judit. I'm really exciting to go to Breda! It will be a very good experience! I'm the exchange of Carmen. I already speak with he, she is very nice. Also I already speak with the other Dutch students, and they are very nice and friendly!
    See you soon:)
    A student, Judit

  11. Hello!!
    My name is Marina and I'm really excited about the exchange. I hope you'll like Spain and we'll like Breda too.
    I'm the exchange of Denise. I think we are going to have a great time.

    A student, Marina
